Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Xtreme Team is going to Brazil

The Xtreme Team will launch its ninth year of ministry by fielding two separate teams of young adults to South America in 2006. One team has been invited by the National Baptist Convention and ABC missionaries Ann and Bruce Borquist to experience mission in Brazil. The other team has been invited by the Baptist Union and ABC missionaries Iris and Mario Morales to experience mission in Bolivia.

The Xtreme Team is designed to connect young adults with the global mission of American Baptists. Its purpose is to grow a passion and interest in mission for the here and now as well as to cultivate global mission leadership for the future.
The Xtreme Team is open to American Baptist young adults between the ages of 19-29. This mission experience begins with orientation on June 28 and ends August 5 at the World Mission Conference. The cost of $3900 covers all the expenses for the trip.

There is still space available for those who have an interest to Xplore God’s word and world, Xamine their own priorities, Xperience mission and those involved in it, Xercise their faith, Xtend their hands, and Xpand their world view. Apply online at